The National Lottery Community Fund – 13 Groups Awarded Funding Across RCT
Written by jamie | Published on 23rd January 2023
This month, 90 community groups and organisations across Wales, including 13 across RCT, are welcoming the New Year with news of a grant from The National Lottery Community Fund.
The National Lottery funding is being used to bring isolated people together in warm spaces, to support people struggling with the rising cost of living, and to improve the wellbeing of vulnerable people.
Inspirational Futures Well-being Support Ltd – £7,900.00
Inspirational Futures Well-being Support in Rhondda Cynon Taf will deliver a pilot project to help improve parental and child well-being. They will offer family engagement, taster sessions at a low cost. £7,900 will fund staff, venue, facilitators, marketing, travel, expenses, and resources.
Bydd Inspirational Futures Well-being Support yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn cynnal prosiect peilot i helpu gwella lles rhieni a phlant. Byddan nhw’n cynnal ymgysylltiad teuluol, sesiynau blasu am gost isel. Bydd £7,900 yn talu am staff, lleoliad, hwyluswyr, marchnata, teithio, treuliau ac adnoddau.
Eye to Eye Young People’s Counselling Service – £443,337.00
Eye to Eye Young People’s Counselling Service are improving and maintaining the mental health of children, young people, their families and other community members. They will help participants to manage the challenges to their mental health, particularly following the pandemic. Over three years, £443,337 will cover the salaries and volunteer training.
Mae Gwasanaeth Cwnsela Pobl Ifanc Eye to Eye yn gwella a chynnal iechyd meddwl plant, pobl ifanc, eu teuluoedd ac aelodau eraill y gymuned. Byddan nhw’n helpu cyfranogwyr i reoli heriau i’w hiechyd meddwl, yn enwedig yn dilyn y pandemig. Dros dair blynedd, bydd £443,337 yn talu am gyflogau a hyfforddiant gwirfoddolwyr.
Eye to Eye Young People’s Counselling Service – £443,337.00
Eye to Eye Young People’s Counselling Service are improving and maintaining the mental health of children, young people, their families and other community members. They will help participants to manage the challenges to their mental health, particularly following the pandemic. Over three years, £443,337 will cover the salaries and volunteer training.
Mae Gwasanaeth Cwnsela Pobl Ifanc Eye to Eye yn gwella a chynnal iechyd meddwl plant, pobl ifanc, eu teuluoedd ac aelodau eraill y gymuned. Byddan nhw’n helpu cyfranogwyr i reoli heriau i’w hiechyd meddwl, yn enwedig yn dilyn y pandemig. Dros dair blynedd, bydd £443,337 yn talu am gyflogau a hyfforddiant gwirfoddolwyr.
Lee Gardens Pool Committee – £30,286.00
Lee Gardens Pool Committee will support people through the cost-of-living crisis by providing a warm room facility, offering hot food, refreshments and activities. They will improve social interaction and work with partners to provide information on energy efficiency. Over two years, £30,286 will fund salaries, venue, project delivery costs and equipment.
Bydd Pwyllgor Pwll Lee Gardens yn cefnogi pobl drwy’r argyfwng costau byw trwy ddarparu cyfleuster ystafell gynnes, gan gynnig bwyd poeth, lluniaeth a gweithgareddau. Byddan nhw’n cynyddu rhyngweithiad cymdeithasol ac yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid i ddarparu gwybodaeth am effeithlonrwydd ynni. Dros ddwy flynedd, bydd £30,286 yn talu am gyflogau, lleoliad, costau darparu prosiect a chyfarpar.
Acts Community Church – £57,050.00
Acts Community Church in Rhondda Cynon Taf are creating a ‘welcome warm space’ within their building. For the next two years, they will provide warm food, access to ICT, social activities, training, support for job searching, and health and wellbeing activities. £57,050 will fund staff, equipment, project delivery and overheads.
Mae Acts Community Church yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn credu ‘man gynnes groesawgar’ o fewn eu hadeilad. Dros y ddwy flynedd nesaf, byddan nhw’n darparu bwyd cynnes, mynediad at TGCh, gweithgareddau cymdeithasol, hyfforddiant, cefnogaeth wrth chwilio am swydd a gweithgareddau iechyd a lles. Bydd £57,050 yn talu am staff, cyfarpar, darpariaeth prosiect a gorbenion.
Canolfan Pentre CIO – £49,088.00
Canolfan Pentre CIO in Rhondda Cynon Taf will provide a ‘warm hub’ for the community, the organisation will be open longer hours, delivering their ‘Top up Shop’ and provide one to one support and signposting to community members. Over two years, £49,088 will fund staff marketing and supplies for the ‘top up shop’ and travel expenses to transport those with mobility issues to the warm hub.
Bydd Canolfan Pentre CIO yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn darparu ‘hwb cynnes’ ar gyfer y gymuned. Bydd y sefydliad ar agor am oriau hirach, gan gynnal ‘Top up Shop’ a darparu cefnogaeth un wrth un ac arwyddbostio i aelodau’r gymuned. Dros ddwy flynedd, bydd £49,088 yn talu am farchnata staff ac offer o’r ‘top up shop’ a threuliau teithio i gludo pobl â phroblemau symudedd i’r hwb cynnes.
SHIFT TOGETHER C.I.C. – £10,000.00
SHIFT TOGETHER C.I.C in Rhondda Cynon Taf will extend their mental health support services, reducing the waiting time for support. £10,000 will fund sessions, project management, course materials, insurance, venue, accounting, and advertising.
Bydd SHIFT TOGETHER C.I.C. yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn ehangu eu gwasanaethau cymorth iechyd meddwl, gan leihau’r amser aros am gymorth. Bydd £10,000 yn talu am sesiynau, costau rheoli’r prosiect, deunyddiau cwrs, yswiriant, lleoliad, cyfrifeg a hysbysebu.
Manage Money Wales C.I.C. – £10,000.00
Manage Money Wales C.I.C. in Rhondda Cynon Taf will run financial well-being, peer support group sessions for people experiencing financial difficulties. £10,000 will fund staff and volunteer expenses.
Bydd Manage Money Wales C.I.C. yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn cynnal sesiynau grŵp i bobl sy’n profi anawsterau ariannol. Bydd £10,000 yn talu am dreuliau staff a gwirfoddol.
Penygraig Boys’ and Girls’ Club – £9,750.00
Penygraig Boys’ and Girls’ Club in Rhondda Cynon Taf will finalise the refurbishment of their building. They will then be able to offer a safe, warm, welcoming space for use by the local community. £9,750 will fund a kitchen, seating, IT equipment, a shower and wet room facilities, exercise equipment, a TV, and marketing materials.
Bydd Clwb Penygraig i Fechgyn a Merched yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn gorffen adnewyddiad eu hadeilad. Byddan nhw’n gallu cynnig man ddiogel, gynnes a chroesawgar i’w defnyddio gan y gymuned leol. Bydd £9,750 yn talu am gegin, seddau, cyfarpar TG, cawod a chyfleusterau ystafell wlyb, cyfarpar ymarfer corff, teledu a deunyddiau marchnata.
Avant Theatre CIC – £9,446.00
Avant Theatre CIC in Rhondda Cynon Taf will create volunteering opportunities for members of the community to build their confidence, increase their work experience and gain qualifications. £9,446 will fund volunteer expenses, venue, craft sessions, and BSL, first aid and safeguarding training.
Bydd Avant Theatre CIC yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn creu cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli i aelodau’r gymuned fagu eu hyder, cynyddu eu profiad gwaith ac ennill cymwysterau. Bydd £9,446 yn talu am dreuliau gwirfoddolwyr, lleoliad, sesiynau crefft, a BSL, cymorth cyntaf a hyfforddiant diogelu.
The Community Impact Initiative C.I.C. – £9,135.00
The Community Impact Initiative C.I.C in Bridgend will support unemployed young adults to gain vocational qualifications and improve their confidence and well-being. £9,135 will fund staff, travel, management, and phone.
Bydd The Community Impact Initiative C.I.C. ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn cefnogi oedolion ifanc diwaith i ennill cymwysterau galwedigaethol a gwella eu hyder a’u lles. Bydd £9,135 yn talu am staff, teithio, costau rheoli a ffôn.
People And Work Unit – £286,358.00
People And Work Unit in Rhondda Cynon Taf will develop their ‘play it again’ sport project to include additional physical and wellbeing activities. They will focus on building the capacity, skills, and knowledge of local community members to take on new activities. They will promote environmental sustainability through creating three sustainability hubs. Over five years, £286,358 will fund staff, project delivery and management.
Bydd People And Work Unit yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn datblygu eu prosiect chwaraeon ‘play it again’ i gynnwys gweithgareddau corfforol a lles ychwanegol. Byddan nhw’n canolbwyntio ar adeiladu capasiti, sgiliau a gwybodaeth aelodau’r gymuned leol i wneud gweithgareddau newydd. Byddan nhw’n hyrwyddo cynaliadwyedd amgylcheddol trwy greu tri hwb cynaliadwyedd. Dros bum mlynedd, bydd £286,358 yn talu am staff, darpariaeth prosiect a chostau rheoli.
Keep Children Safe Online CIC – £9,500.00
Keep Children Safe Online in Rhondda Cynon Taf will run internet safety workshops delivered at venues young people are already attending, to address an increase in the number of children and young people accessing online platforms since the COVID-19 pandemic. £9,500 will fund staff, volunteers, training, resources, and travel.
Bydd Keep Children Safe Online yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn cynnal gweithdai diogelwch ar y rhyngrwyd mewn lleoliadau y mae pobl ifanc yn eu mynychu yn barod, er mwyn mynd i’r afael â’r nifer cynyddol o bobl yn cyrchu platfformau ar-lein ers pandemig COVID-19. Bydd £9,500 yn talu am staff, gwirfoddolwyr, hyfforddiant, adnoddau a theithio.
The Rhondda Netball Foundation – £8,886.00
The Rhondda Netball Foundation in Rhondda Cynon Taf will expand their Community Coach and Role Model Development programme providing opportunities for 15–18-year-old females to become leaders and role models in their local community. £8,886 will fund sessional costs, coaching qualifications, kit, and first aid course costs.
Bydd Sefydliad Pêl-Rwyd Rhondda yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn ehangu eu rhaglen ddatblygu Hyfforddwyr Cymunedol a Modelau Rôl gan ddarparu cyfleoedd i fenywod 15-18 oed ddod yn arweinwyr a modelau rôl yn eu cymuned leol. Bydd £8,886 yn talu am gostau sesiynol, cymwysterau hyfforddi, cit, a chostau cwrs cymorth cyntaf.
Find out more here
Download the full list of 90 organisations here