Events and Training


We support people to develop the knowledge and skills that they need. If you think you or your group might benefit it, we can help you find the right training. Our organisation runs open courses or puts on courses just for small groups, depending on what is most suitable. We can even design a course specifically for you.




Interlink RCT hosts a wide range of events, including networking events, funding events, training sessions, Network meetings, our flagship event series Connecting Communities, and many more throughout the year.


The best place to find all upcoming Interlink RCT events, training sessions and network meetings is on our Eventbrite page.




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We support people to develop the knowledge and skills that they need. Our organisation runs open courses and puts on courses just for small groups, depending on what is most suitable. We can even design a course specifically for you.


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Interlink RCT facilitate a range of local and regional community and voluntary sector Networks, including RCT Children, Young People and Families, Managing Volunteers, RCT Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Forum, and more.


Stay up-to-date on meetings, news, training and events within Networks.


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